Jakub Otruba

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Jakub Otruba[edit | edit source]

wildcard of driving

Starting at 1989 Jakub has been part of F1 season, on ocasion very fast but also very tempered - he is difficult to get along with but when in good mood he can score racewin in almost annything.

1'989[] team Onyx were looking for new talents to replace their unsatisfied driver and Jakub happened to be just wandering about paddock, before you knew it he was in racing seat fighting for points! First ever season brought forth both aspects of Jakub's persona altho everything were overshadowed by Valencia Win wich came unexpetedly, saving team. Jakub were quick to sign for another season in same team to show his appritiation, little did he know what management had in mind for next team mate...

Overall position: 13 points: 14

highlight races:
Istambul sprint (first points) 4th
Magnycourse                    6th
Hungaroring Sprint             6th
Valencia Sprint                Wictory

1'990[] Tho strugelling financially Onyx (with new partnership EuroBurn) made it into 1990, and immediatly the other side of Jakub came forth as he demmanded that Petrefasi not be his team mate inspite of signed contract, battle draged on in paddock and neither driver were making much in terms of results. finaly when American diver was removed Jakub started to focus on driving, alas his new team mate and personal friend for outsside of racing John Toro, was unable to remain in team for very long so another cange, This time it was Grant Thame, person whom Jakub admires and respects for driving and managing skills. Ironically inspited of anticipated reliable team mate this too were short-lived replacement. by this point half of the season were over and Jakub did not even come close to points. FINALY Lael Damasceno, fantastically fast canadian driver (whom Jakub on ocasion likens to Gilles Villnevue) managed to make rescue and with newfound stability and comaradership carried over from other racing team finished... last without anny points. At this stage Jakub vere close to just giving up, but something unexpected happened a calling from one of most intreaguing teams in history came. Ligier had remembered that Jakub can be very fast and offered him a contract. It was offer you do not refuse, later stated troubeled driver. Overall position: (Shared 25/26) points: not even close

highlight races:
Monaco Race     13
Monaco Sprint   11

Valencia Race 10

1'991[] After one of most confusing season to follow in his personal driving experience, after failing to score single point Jakub had came forth and joined ranks of legendary Ligier, yes it was at dark times where team had only vauge concept of a car yes Lamborghini motors were bad joke but it was LIGIER! outright Jakub signed 2 year contract ensuring that he had feature and found more than solid team mate in Gary Hellas - partnership that lasts. Offcourse Gary vastly outshined Jakub but both drivers had their moments, while only race points Jakub got were for 6th in Istanbull he showed hints at immense speed, at cost of reliability offcourse. Alas this season there were no good ressult in Valencia, but some interesting things were in happening for next season.

Overal position: 23 Points: 1

Higlight race:
Istambul Sprint  6th

1'992[1] Ligier got to enjoy Renault motors this season, while it was not as big of a leap as Jakub thought engined did showed greater potencial than Lamborghinis. Determined to prove that he is valuable aset to team and to somehow make up for his lack of results on first season Jakub pushed it to the limit, offten failing to finish but throu all that shined ANOTHER wictory! this time it was not his beloved Valencia but even better for French team - Grand Prix at Magny-course (altho once again merely sprint) added with couple other decent finishes Jakub was back in good form and up to take on annyone! Still outshined by his fantastic team mate Garry Hellas but impressed by how solid team managed to work with what little they had. Also nteworthy Jakub managed to grab some points in Valencia again hopefully pleasing those who expected him to do well there.

Overall position: 12 Points: 17

Highlight races:
Magny Course race     5th
Magny Course Sprint  WIN
Hockenheim Sprint     5th
Hungaroring Sprint    6th
Valencia Sprint       5th

1'993[2] Ligier's continued partnership with impresive Renault motors led to best season thusfar, and while team burned vast majority of its money the results did seem to pay back. Alas near bancrupcy midway ment cut in all testing to a point where car ceased to be competetive nearly immediatly. Jakub were frustrated but did his best and unlike Gary he at lest got good part of season done in some pace, where as Garry suffered unbelivibly unreliable car, something Jakub did not take kindly to and severall times asked team to improve Gary's car reliability in media. Polarizing season for both team and Jakub by far this is most points hes ever goten but no wictory, has he lost his charm? is he now out of his game? Previously when in weak car he managed to score win so why not now? regardles Jakub extended his contract to another season and Gary, inspite of troubbeled reliability remained, something Jakub was gretfull for. As for Garry Hellas, team had later disclosed that there were only one car that they focused on and it was not British driver's, possibly hoping for at least one win. Long forgotten pains and anger were brought forth as another Media war between Jakub and another driver - securing his possition as unstable persson Jakub got into buzniss of mediawar against, pretty much everybody this time. and Jakub's unyielding personality once again showed itselve in unexpected and to some nefarious manner.

Overall Position: 11 Points 32

Highlight races:
Istanbull race    3rd
Istanbul Sprint  3rd
Monaco Sprint     2nd
Magny-Course race 2nd
Silverstone race  6th
Sprint            3rd

1994[3] Fallout from last season's lack of testing and still challanged for budget Ligier entered into new season with old car, and old problems. wildly uinreliable and possibly strained beyon reasson last season car was unable to deliver speed in most races. At Monaco new car were introduced, alas due to lack of testing it was not reliable and offten not even fast. however team somehow composed ONE workable car and in Magny-Course Jakub showed what hides beneathe raw untested car is actually diamond. rest of this season were spent fighting to get into top 10 and testing as much as budget allowed. Finaly at last round - Monza Ligier worked out final details and Jakub got two podiums giving Ligier hope for new season to come. Sadly Garry was once again pleauged by car that refused to cooperate, and alter (when new car were employed) Gary was forced to run with prototype car parts that were not ready to take on full race lenght. alas once again Beaten by less reliable Jakub.

Overall Position: 16 Points: 17

Highlight races:
Magny Course sprint   2nd
Monza race            3rd
Monza Sprint         2nd

1'995[] To rssolve their reliability and budget issues Ligioer anounced suprissing move - giving up on Renault, for it is expenssive and buying Mugen-Honda non factory motors based upon former Honda engines. Antiquated dessign of these motors still shows some potenciall and Mugen team is doing exeptionally well on weightloss. Reliability is question tho. Jakub hopes that finally Garry too will have competetive car this season, perhaps even hopes to be defeated by team mate as Gary suffered so much during Renault years that it would only be fitting if new engine brought forth change in this respect aswell.